
Neuroplasticity Post.png


No, we’re not talking about synthetic plastic.

This term is used to describe how neurons within the brain are constantly changing. You do not have the same brain that you were born with. Did you know that we start to lose neurological tissue from the time of birth. However, this does not mean that we lose function. The brain continues to change and evolve throughout our lives. It’s all about connection!

Think of your habits as established ways of function. They are pathways that are easily traveled. They become habits because they do not require much thought. The more we use it, the easier it becomes to travel that road. Each new pattern is like laying down the foundation for a new pathway. Bottom line: use it or lose it!

Think of neurological pathways as short cuts. Neurons that are connected together will activate together. This helps to establish patterns in nervous system and physiology. It helps the body become efficient at tasks and optimize function.

Brain plasticity is dependent on two key elements:

  • Stimulation

    • be active! stimulate your senses! challenge your brain!

  • The appropriate chemical environment

    • Think: diet, blood sugar, stress, hormones, toxin exposure

    • This is where insight from a health professional can be monumental!

However, it is important to recognize that this plasticity can be either positive or negative. You can create pathways that optimize function or those that compromise your health.

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Hungry for more information?

Check out Dr. Kharrazian’s incredible book: Why Isn’t My Brain Working?
