What is Your Moon Cycle Telling You?

Do You Follow the Red Moon or White Moon Cycle?

You can find out by taking note of when you ovulate and when you bleed.
(only if you’re NOT on hormonal birth control)

Have you ever noticed that your cycle completely jumped from one month to the next? Did you undergo a significant stressor or big life change? This shift may not be due to a hormone imbalance or underlying issue, but shows that your body is aligning with your energetic needs.

White Moon Cycle

The White Moon Cycle is ancestrally linked with fertility. Women on this rhythm ovulate with the full moon and bleed with the new moon. This mirrors the typical cycles and energetics of the earth. Bleeding is aligned when the earth is the darkest, directing energy inward. Ovulating with the full moon aligns with when energy is abundant and directed outward. Before the use of artificial light, our ancestors were out having fun and makin babies under the moonlight. This cycle is associated with women who are in the “mothering” phase of life. Energy is lovingly poured into self and family.

Red Moon Cycle

The Red Moon Cycle is associated with leadership and healers. Women on this rhythm tend to bleed with the full moon and ovulate with the new moon. This is often referred to the “wise women’s cycle,” because it is common in women who have not only a link with their internal world and families, but a strong desire to teach and lead others. Bleeding with the new moon represents that these women have a deep connection to their darkness and feel comfortable holding space for others to sit there. It is part of their journey to love their shadow side, and often, to guide others to honor theirs.

There are other variations of the menstrual cycle depending on where you find yourself energetically in your life.

Purple Moon Cycle

The Purple Moon Cycle is linked to bleeding with the waning moon. The waning moon occurs when the moon moves from brightness to darkness. This cycle is a transitional phase where women find themselves doing deep inner reflection and healing. If your body has recently moved into this rhythm, it may be a sign that rest is needed. Rest is a critical aspect of healing. Are you allowing yourself to slow down? Often if we do not give ourselves permission, the body forces us to slow down with feelings of overwhelming fatigue. Listen. Feel. Integrate.

Pink Moon Cycle

The Pink Moon Cycle means that bleeding is timed with the waxing of the moon as the moon is moving from dark to light. This cycle is associated with women that are expanding into their power after a time of deep reflection and integration. If you are aligned with this cycle, you are energetically moving toward a feeling of wholeness. It is a time of coming into your strength. You are ready to show off who you really are without self judgement or limiting beliefs. Use the power of this cycle to move yourself in the direction of your dreams. This is a sign that you are ready.

Want to learn more? Listen to this epic podcast episode!

Ashley de Luna