Date Paste
Ohhhh sweet sweet suga
We all love it. It’s like crack to the brain, literally. Sometimes I cut out sweets just to break the cycle - but I’m a chocolate lover so that doesn’t last long😛
There are so many options to sweeten up your life. Some pack a healthier punch than others.
I LOVE dates. These caramel dried fruits are loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber. They are a great alternative to refined and processed sweeteners that don’t provide much more than flavor. They are high in vitamin B5 which helps to nourish the adrenal glands and support healthy blood lipids. They help supply the body with natural energy while being balanced with fiber so your blood sugar doesn’t spike. The fiber also helps to move digestion and keep your 💩 regular.
Date paste is the perfect sweetener for baking!
Make your own with 2 cups organic Mejool dates
•Soak in 1.5 cups filtered water for as long as you want (seriously, 30 minutes or overnight)
•Blend all together
•Add a little water as you go until you get the desired consistency
•Store in the refrigerator and use in your favorite recipes